When God does the impossible, he does it bigger than we dreamed. What started as an inkling in the heart of a young Deaf woman in the United States has sparked a fire in the hearts of so many Deaf Jamaicans, we couldn’t begin to count. The Lord loves Deaf Jamaica- of this, we are certain. When Paula Hardy felt the call, little did she know that God would use her obedience to affect the lives of so many Deaf Jamaicans in such a profound way.
Hundreds of Americans are also blessed each year as they pray, give, and travel to Jamaica to join in the work.

Paula started teaching under a mango tree, which still stands today. The ministry grew, and miraculously saw hundreds of graduates. It now covers four campuses across the island of Jamaica where Deaf children and adults receive education and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
God blessed beyond Paula’s wildest imaginings, and He continues to bless beyond our hopes and dreams. Would you consider giving to the Hardy fund so we can continue to honor our teachers well? We would be grateful.